Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Increasing amounts of political youtube channels with Comments removed or turned off.

With increasing numbers of people turning away from main stream media and towards other sources of news, YouTube now seems to be the second home for channels such as the BBC.

For years people have been watching as the BBC, a supposed neutral source of news paid for by the British public, turn into a propaganda outlet on par with North Korea. These news media groups have been moving onto third party channels such as YouTube to host their agenda after increasing numbers of people turn away from them and towards alternative outlets. It is because of this that there are now thousands of  "News" videos being uploaded by the BBC and other corporations which unlike the alternative new channels, have their comments turned off. 

What prompted me to write this short blog is how ridiculous some of these discussions are. One specific upload by the main stream British TV channel ITV, talks with a select group about the "Banning" of a British classical piece, "Land of hope and glory", asking the question "Is it Racist?" The problem being, nobody can answer or discuss this question due to the lack of a comment section. 

This song has been sung most, if not every year for as long as I can remember, at the Royal Albert Hall once a year. Its mainly as a celebration of our Heritage and our countrymen, how we are proud to be British. Its a rousing piece that everyone can get behind and it sounds great, yet these politically correct mad men ( there's a good chance ill be picked up for not saying persons there ) want to it to be banned. 

Like all tyrannical regimes, an agenda is put forward without chance of opposition. In this case all comments are turned off which isn't a very democratic thing to do in a democratic society. 
There's only one reason to do this. They don't want anyone to see there's an opposition to whatever subject/agenda is being discussed, and are not wanted. 

It's not really a discussion or a question, Its propaganda. 


Worried about the backlash?

Friday, May 1, 2020

A month of something.

Yesterday I decided to do something for 8 hours a day for a month. I thought it should be productive and something I have always had one eye on doing. I got it down to two candidates, both of them languages, Java and Swedish. I eventually settled for Swedish and Im really looking forward to seeing how far I can go within the months time limit.

Today was the first day which was used to choose and set up a plan. I thought about uploading a daily YouTube progress video but Ill have to see about that, its going to be hard enough doing a blog and trying to learn the language. I have a few Finnish friends who can speak Swedish, its their second language though mostly only the bottom end of Finland really speaks it.

By tomorrow ill have all resources ready and should be able to spend most of the day learning.

See you tomorrow. 

Googles spy network show social effects of Covid19

Googles surveillance network show social effects of Covid19


Scottish professor wants increased testing and surveillance.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020

People tested for Covid19 despite showing no symptoms


Article is from the BBC where some unknown author wrote how Sir Kenny Dalglish, a prominent figure in and outside of football, went to hospital for an infection and was checked for Covid19 despite showing no symptoms.

Despite not suffering any ailments Kenny then locked himself away in isolation.
Has anybody who has tested positive been tested again before coming out of isolation.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

April Fool, day 20

And they will demand a solution, at great cost.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Independent Covid19

I hope to start collecting, archiving and displaying information on the covid19 situation. Anything that is not fact or disproved please contact me and I will cross check it/update the web page.


How to enslave the world

I wouldn't kill;

My friends and allies, 
Those who do my bidding,
Those who do not question,
A generation of children who know only the world I created,

I would kill,

Anyone who is a threat to my New World and the way of life I want to create.

How would I execute such a devious plan?

Id create fear among,

Those who do my bidding,
Those who do not question,

By creating an imaginary killer virus in the guise of an existing cause of mortality,
I'd restrict the elderly from receiving basic heath care and blame the subsequent deaths on the virus.
Silence and ridicule anyone questioning the narrative,
Restrict the population from discussing the narrative by closing all gathering venues 
Abuse my power of office to control governmental departments and smudging the numbers
Infiltrate and heavily propergandise the main stream media.
Subject the public to a mass psychological attack, repeating lies over and over until they are believed.

Id force rules that have no scientific or medical evidence upon the public, so that those who question, the strong, the ones who stand up for the weak in times of trouble, stand out from the crowd, creating a division.

Id offer a solution in the form of a vaccine, a cure, something that when injected into the body would change the genetic code. I'd urge everyone to take this knowing,

My friends and allies, 
Those who do my bidding,
Those who do not question,
The new generation, the children who know only the world I created,

will willingly take it and accept any collateral damage, blaming it on the virus.

Having succeeded in creating human 2.0 Id then release a real virus upon the world, a gene specific virus, and sit back to watch the mass extinction of human 1.0 

Id then turn to

My friends and allies, 
Those who do my bidding,
Those who do not question,
The new generation, the children who know only the world I created,

And claim my reward as supreme ruler,
The one who was right all along
The one who put the rules in place, that will forever be in place, 
The one who kept you safe,

The one who saved you.

Recent happenings.


David Icke gets reported to OFCOM because of 19 complaints about footage concerning apparent misleading information about the Covid19 virus situation.

13:03 09/04/2020

My Council sent me a message saying I dont have to pay the UK Council tax this month.
From BradfordMDC You do not need to pay your Council Tax bill in April. We will be in touch soon. Take care and stay safe.


Police sat next to each other in vans on street corners. 2 "rule" situation.


Facts from a US Doctor on the Covid19 Situation. 

16th April 2020

BBC announce covid19 vaccine direction.


17th August 2021

Some thoughts on Covid News

The Australian Premier recently enforced no removal of masks while drinking cocktails. What if you want a glass of water?

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Still have to get home so on we go. We've both donned our backpacks and walked 2 km this morning to Lübeck train station. Neither of us have eaten yet, need to find a cheap hostel in Hamburg so we can see out the weekend for the cheaper ticket prices to the Netherlands, can't  keep paying 50 euros a night for a 1star hotel and living off McDonald's. 15 euros for food I'd never usually buy isn't good, for multiple reasons, though Barkley seemed to enjoy his 3 hamburgers. Nice to get a shower this morning though.

Why are they testing for Corona Virus with unreliable equipment

Why are they testing for Corona Virus with unreliable equipment.

In my last post Sir Julian Rose explains how this whole Covid-19 situation could just be one big scam. Now the US approves rapid testing kits, which are apparently ineffective.

UK PM Boris Johnson tests positive to Corona virus

UK PM Boris Johnson tests positive to Corona virus,

Yeh him and another 3 billion of us.

Ive recently come across interesting information. Sir Julian Rose explains how this whole Covid-19 situation could just be one big scam.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Corona, UK last remaining beer

This is going too far.

Monday, March 23, 2020


                                      Image Credit and rights to the BBC.

Whats the bet this guy goes missing also, I mean dies in jail, just like Jeffery Epstein.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


A song I made about all the little animals waking up ready for Spring.