Friday, May 1, 2020

A month of something.

Yesterday I decided to do something for 8 hours a day for a month. I thought it should be productive and something I have always had one eye on doing. I got it down to two candidates, both of them languages, Java and Swedish. I eventually settled for Swedish and Im really looking forward to seeing how far I can go within the months time limit.

Today was the first day which was used to choose and set up a plan. I thought about uploading a daily YouTube progress video but Ill have to see about that, its going to be hard enough doing a blog and trying to learn the language. I have a few Finnish friends who can speak Swedish, its their second language though mostly only the bottom end of Finland really speaks it.

By tomorrow ill have all resources ready and should be able to spend most of the day learning.

See you tomorrow. 

Googles spy network show social effects of Covid19

Googles surveillance network show social effects of Covid19

Scottish professor wants increased testing and surveillance.