Monday, September 16, 2019

Amsterdam's Labyrinth

Having travelled It's100s of miles over a 48 HR period I was absolutely knackered, it look me another few hours to get outside the City. Its becoming difficult due to the environment and costs of accommodation. At an average of over 100€ a night for a 3star ( if your lucky ) l to travel 60 miles or so to the next town to find any vegitation at all. Amsterdam isn't a well planned out city, each turning looks like the next, its easy to get lost. Its a wonder anyone gets home after a night out and the locals aren't forever finding corpses laying openly on the streets due to them wandering around in a weed induced semi coma, until they drop out of confusion and exhaustion only to be found days later.

The only tree withing 67 furlongs of Amsterdam's Labyrinth

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