Thursday, August 22, 2019

Day 17 Blow out.

22nd 8th August

Good morning.

Must have slept well outside IKEA in a small forest, didn't notice a truck had parked up not far from camp.


Thank you to  Gunner Jensen for letting me change my battery at his beautiful hotel and breakfast in Killeberg. And for the free coffee! The tall object you see is a sculpture By Gunners son, a burnt match.

Gunner has been designing and making light shades for over 50 years, and is currently working on a project to supply football clubs around the world with tailor made shades for their merchandise stores.

No sooner had I  left the hotel, not 200 meters down the road this happened. Sounded like a .22 rifle when it exploded, scared me half to death.

Thanks to Alexander for helping me fix the tire and to Stanley (center ) for laughing at my misfortune, :)

Back on the road.

Stopped off in Osby at Runt Knutsen Cafe bar for a quick recharge, thanks for that!

Hello nice Lady, l forgot to ask your name, please tell me in the comments so that I may thank you personally.


Horses, if you didn't already know .

Sweden, home to a zillion flies, earwigs and no policemen.

Last recharge of the day thanks to Hässleholms Burger king!

It's getting tiresome having to wait hours for the battery to recharge. It's also getting expencive as I mostly have to buy a meal or order the bare minimum a coffee at the place that I'm recharging at.
Now to find a place to pitch up.

Been a long hard day, no camp picture tonight, shattered.



  1. Keep the fait friend.. we miss you..

  2. Nice to meet you Henry! And I hope your wheels won't explode any more!

  3. Great to meet you guys

